I build my personal brand in public by sharing my stats and thoughts every single week. This update contains the dates of December 26th, 2022 - January 1st, 2023.
The previous update is available 👉 here 👈
Let's dive in 👇

LinkedIn stats in detail
- 4.78% Engagement rate (-4%)🔻
- Total Followers: 2,629 2,547 (+3%) ✅
- 82 New Followers (+165%) ✅
- 412 comments (+84%) ✅
- 1 share (-67%)🔻
- 487 likes (+65%) ✅
- 18,813 impressions (+79%) ✅
- 4 carousels (+100%) ✅
- Highest Impressions: 3,307 (+162%) ✅
- 14 Posts (0%)
And here we have my thoughts: 👇
Thought #1: 3 out of 4 of my best-performing posts were carousels
There're two main problems with them:
- they're time-consuming to create (at least 1h+)
- you can't schedule them in advance
However, they perform really well. LinkedIn definitely boosts them so it's worth spending time to create at least one carousel per week.
Thought #2: Having a plan makes everything easier
In the past weekly update, I introduced a plan to go with my social media on a higher level. It works like a charm. Now, I know:
- what to focus on today
- what type of content I'll post today
- how I'll repurpose the content through the platforms
Thought #3: Engagement is the king
I'll repeat, repeat, and repeat that: "Engagement is the king".
In the past weeks, I wasn't able to engage with my audience because of family issues. In the past, I neglected that a bit. Now I do have 2 slots 20 minutes each where I engage with my audience and other creators.
The results?
165% more followers than in the previous update. 84% more comments. 79% more impressions. 65% more likes...
I use Shield 👇 to get detailed LinkedIn analytics (it's an affiliate link, but feel free to remove the part after ?
if you want).

Here you can find my 👉 entire toolset 👈

Twitter stats in detail
- 14 Tweets (+40%) ✅
- 1 Thread (+100%) ✅
- 413 Impressions (+588%) ✅
- Highest Impressions: 57 (+418%) ✅
- Total Followers: 54 (+13%) ✅
- 6 New Followers (+100%) ✅
And here we have my thoughts: 👇
Thought #1: The best week on Twitter
Why it's the best? Because I've started to engage with others. I also have 2 slots 20 minutes each where I engage with bigger accounts and support my supporters.
Thought #2: Threads are important but simple tweets too
This week the best-performing post was a single tweet, not a thread. What's interesting the thread gained the highest engagement rate.
I use Tweet Hunter 👇 to get Twitter analytics, schedule my tweets, and get inspiration (it's an affiliate link, but feel free to remove the part after ?
if you want).

Here you can find my 👉 entire toolset 👈

Newsletter stats in detail
- Total Subscribers: 115 (+7%) ✅
- 7 New Subscribers (+250%) ✅
That's a wrap for this week!
If you enjoyed this summary and want to be notified about the content creation and personal branding tips subscribe to my newsletter down below 👇