I build my personal brand in public by sharing my stats and thoughts every single week. This update contains the dates of February 6th - February 12th, 2023.
The previous update is available 👉 here 👈
Let's dive in 👇

LinkedIn stats in detail
- 5.28% Engagement rate (-5%)🔻
- Total Followers: 3,114 (+4%) ✅
- 130 New Followers (+136%) ✅
- 528 comments (+31%) ✅
- 0 shares (0%)
- 630 likes (+40%) ✅
- 21,922 impressions (+43%) ✅
- 0 carousels (0%)
- Highest Impressions: 3,338 (+100%) ✅
- 14 Posts (0%)
And here we have my thoughts: 👇
Thought #1: LinkedIn community loves the successes of others
My best-performing post from the past week was related to my successes on LinkedIn.
People love to read success stories.
The best part of that post?
I received 10+ DMs with questions from people on how to grow their personal brands. They might be my future 1:1 consulting students! 🎉
Thought #2: Dedicated slots for engagement
I do have 2 x 20 minutes slots every weekday to engage with other authors. Why it works great?
- I set boundaries to avoid spending on LinkedIn too much time.
- I build relationships with my supports
- I gain new eyeballs to my profile
Posting and ghosting don't work anymore.
I use Shield 👇 to get detailed LinkedIn analytics (it's an affiliate link, but feel free to remove the part after ?
if you want).

Here you can find my 👉 entire toolset 👈

Twitter stats in detail
- 223 Impressions (-31%)🔻
- Highest Impressions: 31 (-48%)🔻
- 14 Tweets (0%)
- 0 Threads (0%)
- Total Followers: 63 (0%)
- 0 New Follower (-100%)🔻
And here we have my thoughts: 👇
Thought #1: No Engagement = No Growth
LinkedIn and Twitter are all about engagement. If you don't engage enough you won't grow. It's so simple, and so hard at the same time.
I use Tweet Hunter 👇 to get Twitter analytics, schedule my tweets, and get inspiration (it's an affiliate link, but feel free to remove the part after ?
if you want).

Here you can find my 👉 entire toolset 👈

Newsletter stats in detail
- Total Members: 142 139 (+2%) ✅
- Total Subscribers: 138 (+2%) ✅
- 3 New Subscribers (+200%) ✅
That's a wrap for this week!
If you enjoyed this summary and want to be notified about the content creation and personal branding tips subscribe to my newsletter down below 👇