I build my personal brand in public by sharing my stats and thoughts every single week. This update contains the dates of January 16th - 22nd, 2023.
The previous update is available 👉 here 👈
Let's dive in 👇

LinkedIn stats in detail
- 5.91% Engagement rate (+47%) ✅
- Total Followers: 2,871 (+3%) ✅
- 83 New Followers (-12%)🔻
- 408 comments (-12%)🔻
- 0 shares (-100%)🔻
- 488 likes (-9%)🔻
- 15,150 impressions (-35%)🔻
- 3 carousels (0%)
- Highest Impressions: 2,013 (-53%)🔻
- 14 Posts (0%)
And here we have my thoughts: 👇
Thought #1: It's a marathon. Not a sprint.
I love that saying. Especially in terms of LinkedIn.
Last week wasn't perfect. Almost all of the metrics are red. But... Despite the massive drop in impressions, the engagement rate is higher. Moreover, the drop in terms of comments, likes, or new followers is much lower.
It proves that the direction is correct, and that the next week will be better.
Thought #2: Weekends are a great time to post
3 my best-performing posts from the past week:

The first one is a carousel. Carosules still perform the best!
The two next ones were published on Saturday and Sunday, and within 24-48h performed better than any of the other posts from the last week.
Don't be afraid of posting during the weekends. The effects might surprise you!
Thought #3: Lower engagement during the weekends
I schedule my posts in advance but I saw that engaging with other authors and replying to comments under my posts during the weekend is a bit tricky.
Weekends don't have a schedule like the weekdays, and this is the time for me and for the family.
That's why I decided to post, but don't engage a lot. It's a weird feeling that there are unanswered posts, but it's really great feeling in terms of avoiding burning out.
It doesn't mean that I don't engage at all, but I do it only when I do have a spot for that.
I use Shield 👇 to get detailed LinkedIn analytics (it's an affiliate link, but feel free to remove the part after ?
if you want).

Here you can find my 👉 entire toolset 👈

Twitter stats in detail
- 309 Impressions 57 (+5%) ✅
- Highest Impressions: 46 (-31%)🔻
- 14 Tweets (0%)
- 2 Threads (0%)
- Total Followers: 58 (+2%) ✅
- 1 New Follower (-66%)🔻
And here we have my thoughts: 👇
Thought #1: Adding notifications about new tweets
I love that feature as I can quickly check who tweeted recently and I can quickly respond to that tweet.
I want to focus on that strategy in the following weeks.
I use Tweet Hunter 👇 to get Twitter analytics, schedule my tweets, and get inspiration (it's an affiliate link, but feel free to remove the part after ?
if you want).

Here you can find my 👉 entire toolset 👈

Newsletter stats in detail
- Total Members: 135 (+6%) ✅
- Total Subscribers: 131 (+6%) ✅
- 7 New Subscribers (+250%) ✅
That's a wrap for this week!
If you enjoyed this summary and want to be notified about the content creation and personal branding tips subscribe to my newsletter down below 👇