Weekly update #24 of building my personal branding

I build my personal brand in public by sharing my stats and thoughts every single week. This update contains the dates of December 26th, 2022 - January 1st, 2023.

The previous update is available 👉 here 👈

Let's dive in 👇


LinkedIn statistics in the dates of December 26th, 2022 to January 1st, 2023

LinkedIn stats in detail

  • 4.78% Engagement rate (-4%)🔻
  • Total Followers: 2,629 2,547 (+3%) ✅
  • 82 New Followers (+165%) ✅
  • 412 comments (+84%) ✅
  • 1 share (-67%)🔻
  • 487 likes (+65%) ✅
  • 18,813 impressions (+79%) ✅
  • 4 carousels (+100%) ✅
  • Highest Impressions: 3,307 (+162%) ✅
  • 14 Posts (0%)

And here we have my thoughts: 👇

Thought #1: 3 out of 4 of my best-performing posts were carousels

There're two main problems with them:

  • they're time-consuming to create (at least 1h+)
  • you can't schedule them in advance

However, they perform really well. LinkedIn definitely boosts them so it's worth spending time to create at least one carousel per week.

Thought #2: Having a plan makes everything easier

In the past weekly update, I introduced a plan to go with my social media on a higher level. It works like a charm. Now, I know:

  • what to focus on today
  • what type of content I'll post today
  • how I'll repurpose the content through the platforms

Thought #3: Engagement is the king

I'll repeat, repeat, and repeat that: "Engagement is the king".

In the past weeks, I wasn't able to engage with my audience because of family issues. In the past, I neglected that a bit. Now I do have 2 slots 20 minutes each where I engage with my audience and other creators.

The results?

165% more followers than in the previous update. 84% more comments. 79% more impressions. 65% more likes...

I use Shield 👇 to get detailed LinkedIn analytics (it's an affiliate link, but feel free to remove the part after ? if you want).

Shield Analytics | Your LinkedIn analytics tool
Your data. Your personal brand. Get LinkedIn analytics for your personal LinkedIn profile. For you, your team, or your agency and clients. Measure content and profile performance in one dashboard.

Here you can find my 👉 entire toolset 👈


Twitter statistics in the dates of December 26th, 2022 to January 1st, 2023

Twitter stats in detail

  • 14 Tweets (+40%) ✅
  • 1 Thread (+100%) ✅
  • 413 Impressions (+588%) ✅
  • Highest Impressions: 57 (+418%) ✅
  • Total Followers: 54 (+13%) ✅
  • 6 New Followers (+100%) ✅

And here we have my thoughts: 👇

Thought #1: The best week on Twitter

Why it's the best? Because I've started to engage with others. I also have 2 slots 20 minutes each where I engage with bigger accounts and support my supporters.

Thought #2: Threads are important but simple tweets too

This week the best-performing post was a single tweet, not a thread. What's interesting the thread gained the highest engagement rate.

I use Tweet Hunter 👇 to get Twitter analytics, schedule my tweets, and get inspiration (it's an affiliate link, but feel free to remove the part after ? if you want).

Tweet Hunter | Get More Twitter Followers | Tweets, Threads, Scheduler, Analytics
Get more results for your business and personal brand on Twitter than ever before. Powered by AI and automation. Try it for free.

Here you can find my 👉 entire toolset 👈


Twitter statistics in the dates of December 26th, 2022 to January 1st, 2023

Newsletter stats in detail

  • Total Subscribers: 115 (+7%) ✅
  • 7 New Subscribers (+250%) ✅

That's a wrap for this week!

If you enjoyed this summary and want to be notified about the content creation and personal branding tips subscribe to my newsletter down below 👇